Thursday, January 8, 2009

Richard M. Nixon

This was published in the Washington Post on the 30th of July, 1974 (Nixon resigned as the president of the United States on the 8th of August, 1974. Coincidence? Probably not.)

My good friend Dr. Seuss wrote a book a few years ago titled "Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now!" He sent me a copy the other day and crossed out "Marvin K. Mooney" and replaced it with "Richard M. Nixon." It sounded like fun so I asked him if I could reprint it. Please read it aloud.
"Richard M. Nixon will you please go now!The time has come.The time has come.The time is now.Just go. Go. Go! I don't care how. You can go by foot. You can go by cow. Richard M. Nixon will you please go now! You can go on skates. You can go on skis. You can go in a hat. But Please go. Please! I don't care. You can goBy bike. You can goOn a Zike-BikeIf you like. If you like You can goIn an old blue shoe. Just go, go, GO! Please do, do, do, DO! Richard M. NixonI don't care how. Richard M. Nixon Will you pleaseGO NOW! You can go on stilts. You can go by fish. You can go in a Crunk-CarIf you wish. If you wishYou may goBy lion's tale. Or stamp yourselfAnd go by mail. Richard M. NixonDon't you knowThe time has comeTo go, go, GO! Get on your way! Please Richard M.! You might like going in a Zumble-Zay. You can go by balloon . . . Or broomstick. OrYou can go by camelIn a bureau drawer. You can go by bumble-boat. . . or jet. I don't care how you go. Just get! Richard M. Nixon! I don't care how. Richard M. NixonWill you please GO NOW! I said GOAnd GOI meant . . . The time had comeSo . . . Richard WENT."
By Art Buchwald

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