Thursday, January 8, 2009


We have decided through popular vote [aka John's gone] to create a thesis statement, which reads the following:
Marvin K. Mooney represents the unwanted politician, animal, child, and meatloaf sandwhich rotting in the back of your fridge to everyone. No, seriously, those things start to stink after a while.
But the question we must now face is: who is correct in the actions of Marvin K. Mooney? Him or the voice?
Obviously MKM is responsable for his own actions. But why don't we know what he did? He's just being told to leave. The good doctor based his book on a political scandal but it can be related to so much more.
So we're going to continue researching and developing ideas so we can figure out what the true meaning of MKM was and who is just in this court of law.

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